!!!!!! A NOTE TO THE VISITOR !!!!!!
This site is still under construction! There is a serious possibility that it will forever be under construction.
This site is still under construction! There is a serious possibility that it will forever be under construction.
Welcome to my website. If you're here, there's a good chance you already know who I am, but if you dont, my name is Delia Colbert-Graves. I'm one of those people who has to have a creative outlet or she'll perish. It's an urge that sees me making art, writing stories and poems, and playing weird music. I hope that you, dear visitor, enjoy these things as much as I do.
I'm pretty new to the whole "personal website" idea--on social media, I tend to be a lurker rather than a poster, and I am still suffering from a lifelong aversion to self-promotion. It helps to envision this as less of a portfolio for my work and more of a diary/sketchbook I have happened to leave open in public.
As the site progresses, I hope to add galleries of my art and my stories, and maybe even computer games, if I can get myself motivated enough to make some. In the meantime, please do check out my music projects Band Called Semiotics and the Honey-do's.
Do check here for HTML tips 'n tricks!
Please see my About Page with any questions you might have.